Launch Highlights
Bruce Rohn – got his L3 on his Awesome Honest John! Congrats Bruce!
Kevin Kalinowski – I failed to turn on my on-board camera yesterday for my larger flight.. but did take some GoPro Video from the ground. It’s not the same.. but better than nothing. So far I put together a little video that captures the winds, wind shear between cloud layers, the launch of my Athena 3 on an H250G closeup on the pad, the whistle as it ascends to 1700 ft, and then the snap TCC tear down crew dismantling the pads.. with a guest star at the end. Who is that guy? The GoPro was set to narrow FOV and 60 FPS, strapped to my toolbox sitting next to the pad. Thank you tear down crew for returning it to me, Brian thank you for recognizing it as mine!
Ryan Reynolds – This is the only video I have so far of mine… I was busy trying to take video and track it… plus it scared me 😛
Chris Atteberry – Here’s the video from my L3 attempt. The first part was taken by Nathan Montalvo. The second section is from the Sony Action Cam onboard. You can see the booster fly away at 1:28 in the video.
Greg Morgan – RocketPi Frenzy M1160 flight!
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